imprint and acknowledgement
My homepage (version 11.0) has about 300 sites with around a thousand internal and external links. Please do not hesitate to let me know if you dicover any mistakes or dead links. I am grateful for (constructive) criticism as well as all kinds of helpful suggestions. I am responsible for the content of this page, the concept, layout, photos*, graphics and texts (except all texts from the Luisenstädtischen Bildungsverein e.V.)
The following applies to all links that can be found on my homepage:
The content of all linked homepages lies within the sole responsibilities of those pages' owners. The links are there for your information and as far as I am aware there are neither links to webpages that could be morally harmful for young people nor to pages that contain pornographic or racist contents. I would like to stress explicitly that it is not possible for me to exercise any kind of influence or control on the content or design of linked pages and therefore I cannot assume any form of liability. Should the case occur that despite my close examination some links direct the user to pages that have illegal contents or violate the law, I would ask you to inform the appropriate authorities and send a brief message to me.
If you enjoyed my homepage I would be very happy to hear from you.
mike jurkun, berlin 2008 (Address will be mailed on request in order to avoid junk mail)

Many thanks to the Luisenstädtischer Bildungsverein e.V. for the permission to use their texts. Most explanations of street names originate from the Luisenstädtischer Bildungsverein e.V.
Luisenstädtischer Bildungsverein e.V.
Manager: Dr. Hans-Jürgen Mende
Address: Markgrafendamm 24, Haus 16
10245 Berlin
ph.: (030) 29 49 23 93
fax: (030) 29 04 98 98